Is Being Fit Equal to Being Healthy?

One of the most common questions that come to our mind whether being fit is being healthy. Yes, No, maybe are the answers received. However, in real terms, health and fitness are two sides of the same coin. To have a feeling of physical, mental and social well-being you have to be fit and healthy. Everyone must adhere to this common understanding that body and mind should function in balance for the wellness of their life.

"Health is Wealth" is a common saying, which is absolutely true. It is the good health that remains with us in our difficult times and boosts us to face challenges of life. Good health is nothing but the state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being without any suffering. A healthy and fit person needs a good environment, healthy food, daily exercises and cleanliness. And if you don't follow these you have bad health and mental disturbance which brings many dreadful diseases like heart attack, cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, depression, etc.

Nowadays life has become so hectic that people are living in stressful conditions without any satisfaction. This hinders the physical and mental fitness and people suffer from many diseases. Hence, physical exercise along with a good diet is very important for a healthy and tension free life. Diet should be simple and light rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins which reduces the risk of cancer, cataract, diabetes, etc.

For leading a healthy life we should follow as given below:
• We should eat breakfast at right time and in large quantity and light dinner generally 2-3 hours before sleeping.
• We should take proper and enough sleep.
• We should do regular physical and medical check up's at least once a year and ensure that everything is normal.
• We should not keep starving ourselves for a long time.
• We should eat heart-friendly foods like green vegetables, fruits and avoid fast and canned foods.
• We should go for physical exercises keeping in mind the structure of the body and age.

• We should practice yoga and meditation on a daily basis for a peaceful life.
• We should try to solve all our problems without getting fed up.

In short, to be healthy you have to be fit, but you could be physically fit and healthy. Finally, fitness is a component of being healthy and they go hand in hand.

Rightfully Richard Baker said, "To get rich never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth".

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