The Negative Effects of Alcohol

Alcohol is a liquid compound, resulting from sugar fermentation of different foods such as malted barley, potatoes, cinder or grapes. At lower doses, the beverage acts as stimulant while in high doses, it works as a depressant to the central nervous system. Any adult of 21 years and above can legally obtain alcohol in the United States. Negatives effect of alcohol on the human body are numerous and the results commence immediately after consumption. Even though small quantities of alcohol can get out of the body through breathing and urine, most of the product gets absorbed into the bloodstream

The more alcohol one takes, the more the effects it has on the body systems. Many people are not conversant with what constitutes a standard drink and the measurement of alcohol intake, which is one 12- ounce bear with 5% alcoholic content. Below are some of the negative effects on body systems

Effect on the central nervous system

Alcohol interferes with the brain communication causing altered behavior and mood as well as inhibit the capacity to think clearly. Also, high alcohol intake can significantly affect motor functioning through its effects on the brain. Poor coordination, Slurred speech as well poor memory are other negatives of alcohol on the rest of the central nervous system. More drastic and harmful effect on the central nervous system results from prolonged and excessive alcohol consumption. These effects include odd sensation, numbness on feet and hands as well as pain resulting from the damage on the central nervous system

Circulatory system

Alcohol affects Heart which is one of a vital organ of the circulatory system. Heart complication is very common on individuals with excessive and prolong drinking habits as well as those who drink too much alcohol in a single sitting. The adverse effects of alcohol on the heart include high Blood pressure, heartbeat irregularity, abnormal heart muscle stretching and stroke. Research has who moderate alcohol drinking is good for heart health. However, excessive alcohol drinking increases the risks of complication such as heart failure and heart attack


Liver damage or cirrhosis is the common condition associated with the extreme and prolonged use of alcohol. The state involves scarring of the liver tissues by alcohol affecting its functions such as ensuring robust immune system and cleaning the blood. Excessive alcohol also cause fibrosis, alcoholic hepatitis as well as fatty liver

Digestive system

Alcohol consumption is known to have a significant effect on the human digestive system. The beverage can damage gum, tongue as well as salivary glands significantly. Also, alcohol causes tooth decay among heavy drinkers and alcoholics as well as accelerates esophageal problems and stomach ulcers. Excessive alcohol drinking causes the inflammation of the pancreas or pancreatitis, which can result in permanent damage to the organ


Alcohol abuse among woman can cause irregular and disrupted menstrual cycle, and in extreme cases case can led to infertility. Pregnant woman should avoid alcohol as much as possible due to birth and pregnancy complication as well as to protect the unborn child from the fetal alcohol system disorder or fetal alcohol syndrome. The condition affects the child mentally and physically

Other adverse effects on human health include erection dysfunction on men, weak immune system, and low production of testosterone in men which diminish the development of male physical characteristics as well as obesity and high risk of prostate problems. It's advisable to lower alcohol intake or abstain from drinking to improve and reverse these adverse effects on the body

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